Wachters Organic Sea Products

“Wachters Organic Sea Products is the preferred provider offering the highest quality all natural organic sea products at reasonable prices providing excellence in a manner fully committed to the protection and maintenance of sea life and the oceanic environment.”

July 27, 2006

WTCB T-Cell Balancer

Our body has a formidable defense system. It is our immune system consisting of a complex network of specialized cells throughout the body equaling the complexity of the brain and nervous system and relying on an incredibly elaborate and dynamic regulatory and communications network that knows what belongs to the body and what does not. Our immune system knows to defend the body against attacks by “foreign” invaders, or antigens.

When the immune system works, it works effectively. When it malfunctions, the result can be vulnerability to many diseases. Our immune system begins in our bone marrow where cells become lymphocytes, the B cells and the T cells. The B cells mature in the bone marrow while the T cells migrate to the thymus gland, nestled behind the sternum and lungs. Released into the bloodstream, these T cells patrol everywhere for foreign antigens.

The thymus is the command center for these T cells or T lymphocytes, becoming an army of white blood cells. They are responsible for stimulating other parts of the immune system into action. However, as the body ages, the thymus shrinks to a fraction of its original size, nourishing fewer T cells to support our immune system.

The degree and duration of immunity depend on the kind of antigen (any substance which triggers an immune response), its amount, and how it enters the body. An immune response is also dictated by heredity; some individuals respond strongly to a given antigen, others weakly, and some not at all. As long ago as the 5th century B.C., Greek physicians noted that people who had recovered from the plague would never get it again - they had acquired immunity. The T cells become “memory” cells so that the next time the same antigen enters the body, the immune system is primed to destroy it quickly.

To maintain its strength, the immune system needs continual support from a variety of sources. Wachters has researched and gathered a variety of herbs which are well known in Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine. Each has a specific role in this special immune function formulation, WTCB - T Cell Balancer.

Astragalus may act as a tonic to protect the immune system and help support adrenal gland function. Reishi Mushroom and Dang Shen both have distinctive active constituents that may help improve overall immunity by stimulating the body’s own defense mechanism, without adding stress to the system. They may also help the body adapt to stress while increasing energy levels. Ginger possesses powerful antioxidant properties which can fight harmful free radicals that can damage cells. Elder Flower may also help stimulate the lymphatic system. Garlic may help detoxify the body and protect against infection by enhancing the immune function. Wachters’ Exclusive Blend of Sea Vegetation® and Chlorophyll are agents of biosynthesis in enabling the body to absorb the healing factors of the herbs. The WTCB T-Cell Balancer is now available for purchase.

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Regular Price: $27.95 (Member Price: $20.96)

Did you know? Sea plants are the oldest plants on Earth.