Wachters Organic Sea Products

“Wachters Organic Sea Products is the preferred provider offering the highest quality all natural organic sea products at reasonable prices providing excellence in a manner fully committed to the protection and maintenance of sea life and the oceanic environment.”

September 23, 2008

Sea Vegetation-Alfalfa Tablet

This tablet combines the great components of alfalfa and alfalfa juice concentrate with Wachters' Exclusive Blend of Sea Vegetation ®. The tablets provide an excellent natural source of calcium and trace minerals.

Add to Order 5100 No. 6 - Sea Vegetation-Alfalfa Tablet (180 tabs).
Regular Price: $17.95 (Member Price: $13.46)

Did You Know? A fact about The Wachters Blend of Sea Vegetation: More than 70% of the oxygen in the earth’s atmosphere comes from sea vegetation.